Keen for seasonal work or more? There’s heaps of work available in the kiwifruit industry. Over the next few years, orchards are expected to produce more kiwifruit and now is a great time to get involved in this awesome industry and get paid for it.
How do I find the right kiwifruit employer?
All kiwifruit contractors are required to be registered and audited to ensure they have good standards of worker welfare. When choosing an employer in the kiwifruit industry make sure you confirm that the employer is an approved contractor. Use our approved contractor lists or check if they are Zespri compliant here. It’s important to find an employer and job that is suitable to your employment needs. If you have any issues, please contact us immediately on 0800 232 505.
What should I expect from my kiwifruit employer?
Legally you should receive an employment agreement to read and sign. This will indicate details about you and your employer, place of work, description of work to be performed, hours of work, wage or salary payable including public holiday pay, nature of employment, how to resolve employment relationship problems and any other matters agreed on such as trials or probationary agreements.
How much will I get paid?
Pay rates vary depending on the employer and the nature of the seasonal role. All workers must receive the minimum wage + 8% holiday pay.
What breaks will I get on the job?
The minimum length of breaks required by law is 10 minutes for rest breaks and 30 minutes for meal breaks. Here are the minimum number of breaks that must be provided to employees for each time period worked. More information can be found in the below here.
Are there hazards at kiwifruit workplaces?
While the level of workplace hazards is very low in most kiwifruit operations, health and safety is still given a high priority, particularly in the packhouses where machinery is involved. All employees must be advised of health and safety risks and protected from them through training and personal protective equipment (PPE) where required.
What are payslips and why do I need them?
Payslips verify that employees and employers have the same understanding of how the employee’s pay in made up. Employees are entitled to request from their employer wage and time records showing the pay rate, hours worked any deductions and how the employee was paid. Employees should make sure they sign their timesheets indicating agreement on the hours worked.
What’s tax and what does this have to do with my pay?
Income earned in New Zealand will have tax deducted through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, as well as an Accident Compensation Commission (ACC) levy which goes towards New Zealand’s insurance scheme for covering any costs involved where an employee is injured. Your employer is not allowed to make any other deductions from your pay without your signed permission.
What do I do if I feel like I’m not being treated fairly?
In the event of a dispute in the workplace, you can contact the following agencies for help:
Got other questions? Chat with us on Facebook via Kiwifruit Jobs New Zealand.