For almost quarter of a century, NZKGI has been the voice for New Zealand’s kiwifruit growers, helping to make key decisions within the industry and acting as an advocate for the industry at government level.

Grower Communications

NZKGI aims to have a database of engaged growers who receive clear, transparent and efficient communications from NZKGI. NZKGI communication channels include:

  • NZKGI’s Weekly Update – relevant and topical news emailed on a Friday to more than 3,000 industry subscribers.
  • Industry publications – contributions to Kiwiflier, Zespri’s Up-2-date, the Kiwifruit Journal and the Orchardist.
  • Events – including, Zespri Grower Roadshows, field days and grower meetings, providing opportunities for face-to-face meetings with NZKGI representatives.

Communication is a two-way street. To advocate effectively for growers, NZKGI wants to hear their views. Find out who your representative is and how to contact them by clicking here.

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NZKGI Weekly Update Archive

NZKGI’s weekly update features the latest industry information and is sent out every Friday to over 3,000 subscribers. If you would like to subscribe to the weekly update please click here.