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Uncategorized / NZKGI Organisational Management Portfolio

NZKGI Organisational Management Portfolio

Our Purpose

The Organisational Management portfolio ensures the organisation is professional and well run, and the maximum benefit is achieved from the levy investment. Communication of Member responsibilities and the review of rules and management of NZKGI’s finances ensures seamless advocacy and the enhancement of New Zealand kiwifruit Growers interests.

Throughout the years, the Organisational Management portfolio has ensured that NZKGI has an astute structure and is run by experienced and professional people with a clear mission in order to achieve the best outcomes for the industry. Here are some of the portfolio highlights and achievements from recent years:


Strategic Portfolios

NZKGI started 2016 with a new Chairman, Executive Committee and revised Forum, and was joined by a new Chief Executive. With the new leadership structure in place, the organisation developed a Strategic Workplan under six portfolio headings.

At the same time, NZKGI embarked on a strategic review that saw a revision of high-level strategy including the vision, mission statement and objectives. Guiding principles were then established to assist when considering specific projects.

Following the approval of the Strategic Workplan, portfolio leaders and portfolio subcommittees were established in 2017, with the purpose to address each objective in the Strategic Plan. Executive Committee members were also assigned to lead each of the portfolios, and Forum members were advised which portfolio committee to be part of.


Our Vision and Values

In recognition of our growth, the NZKGI Forum and Executive Committee, with support from the NZKGI staff, went through a process of strategic review in 2019. Following several facilitated sessions with the Forum, the Executive Committee and staff agreed to update the visions and values to better reflect how the organisation operates. The result, endorsed by the NZKGI Forum, was a new vision Innovative Leadership – succeeding through change as well as new values of Integrity, Respect, Accountable, and Independent.

Innovative Leadership is what we, NZKGI as an organisation, want to provide for our Growers. Succeeding Through Change is the need to adjust and embrace change as well as the courage to make changes going forward to ensure our success. The values of Integrity, Respect, Accountable, Independent relate to what we as an organisation expect from our representatives and staff, and how we want people to perceive the actions of NZKGI.


Company Structure

In 2017, significant changes were made to NZKGI staff, with the creation of two new positions – a Communications Manager and a Performance & Supply Manager.

In 2019, NZKGI developed the Senior Policy Analyst role to provide greater focus and input into policy issues working closely alongside Horticulture NZ. Utilising Government funding, Gavin Stagg was also recruited as our Labour Coordinator to manage seasonal recruitment initiatives in conjunction with Growers, contractors and packhouses to ensure as much as possible is done to meet the sector’s worker requirements.

In 2020, we appointed Di Holloway as our new Education Coordinator with funding from the Provincial Growth Fund via Horticulture NZ. We also had changes in the Organisational Management portfolio, with the appointment of Tanya Vickers as our Executive Assistant in a part-time role.



Restructure of NZKGI Forum and Kiwifruit Industry Strategy Project (KISP) process was reviewed in 2016. The rules of NZKGI were also updated to reflect the outcomes of the KISP process including the restructure of the NZKGI Forum.

In 2018, the Organisational Management portfolio continued to ensure the smooth management of NZKGI through the production of the Forum Members Guide, which sets out expectations for NZKGI Forum Representatives, a review of the NZKGI rules and prudent management of NZKGI’s finances.


Diversity Reporting

NZKGI began reporting on diversity in 2018 to raise awareness on the best representation that comes from a broad range of people. While NZKGI recognises that diversity is much more than gender, as we achieve a greater understanding of the makeup of our industry, we continue to work towards having more diversity reflected in our organisation.


NZKGI’s New Office

In 2019, NZKGI staff moved into their tenancy in the new Zespri building, which was created to house the growing number of staff that work to support this industry. It came with its own entry and address, separate from Zespri, and sits close to Kiwifruit Vine Health who are also tenants in the building, which further offers more space for NZKGI staff and a place to host Growers and stakeholders.